The game is in past time like around 19 century and located in a pyramid kind of place which got many kind of trap to prevent invader. And the main character of this game is a famous adventurer who know well about trap things, that is the reason that government invite him for help. So I do some research on those for background and character design.
19th century
The 19th century (1801-1900) was a period in history marked by the collapse of the Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Ottoman, Holy Roman and Mughal empires. This paved the way for the growing influence of the British Empire, the German Empire and the United States, spurring military conflicts but also advances in science and exploration.
After the Napoleonic Wars, the British Empire became the world's leading power, controlling one quarter of the world's population and one third of the land area. It enforced a Pax Britannica, encouraged trade, and battled rampant piracy. The 19th century was an era of invention and discovery, with significant developments in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, electricity, and metallurgy that lay the groundwork for the technological advances of the 20th century. The Industrial Revolution began in Europe. The Victorian era was notorious for the employment of young children in factories and mines.
Advances in medicine and the understanding of human anatomy and disease prevention took place in the 1800s, and were partly responsible for rapidly accelerating population growth in the western world. Europe's population doubled during the 19th century, from roughly 200 million to more than 400 million. The introduction of railroads provided the first major advancement in land transportation for centuries, changing the way people lived and obtained goods, and fueling major urbanization movements in countries across the globe. Numerous cities worldwide surpassed populations of a million or more during this century. London was transformed into the world's largest city and capital of the British Empire. Its population expanded from 1 million in 1800 to 6.7 million a century later. The last remaining undiscovered landmasses of Earth, including vast expanses of interior Africa and Asia, were discovered during this century, and with the exception of the extreme zones of the Arctic and Antarctic, accurate and detailed maps of the globe were available by the 1890s. Liberalism became the preeminent reform movement in Europe.
Slavery was greatly reduced around the world. Following a successful slave revolt in Haiti, Britain forced the Barbary pirates to halt their practice of kidnapping and enslaving Europeans, banned slavery throughout its domain, and charged its navy with ending the global slave trade. Britain abolished slavery in 1834, America's 13th Amendment following their Civil War abolished slavery there in 1865, and in Brazil slavery was abolished in 1888 (see Abolitionism). Similarly, serfdom was abolished in Russia.
The 19th century was remarkable in the widespread formation of new settlement foundations which were particularly prevalent across North America and Australasia, with a significant proportion of the two continents' largest cities being founded at some point in the century. In the 19th century approximately 70 million people left Europe.
The 1800s is also known as a century of astounding sporting creation and development, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. Association Football, Rugby Union, American Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Volleyball were all developed during the 19th Century.
A pyramid is a building where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge at a point. The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or any polygon shape, meaning that a pyramid has at least four faces (base plus at least three triangular faces). The five-face square pyramid is a common version.
A pyramid's design, with the majority of the weight closer to the ground, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above: this distribution of weight allowed early civilizations to create stable monumental structures.
For thousands of years, the largest structures on Earth were pyramids: first the Red Pyramid in the Dashur Necropolis and then the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still remaining and still the tallest pyramid of all. The largest pyramid ever built, by volume, is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state of Puebla. This pyramid is still being excavated.
Adventurer picture for character design reference
Prototype's flow
Rules and logic
This game is a side scrolling based game. Basically the character can move left and right, or jump but in some stage he can bow down and lie down or only can move left and right. There are many kind of obstacles inside the game which the character need to avoid. The character can use jump, bow or lie to avoid those obstacles depends on level. But in some level, the obstacle can’t be avoid, so the character just can run away from it. If the character hit by the obstacle, the character lose 1 life. There are total 3 life for the character, the game over when the 3 life gone. So if the users pass through all obstacles in all level, he/she win the game.
Objective: - To produce a game that can entertain and excite the users.-To let the users think about “peace” issue after enjoy the game.
Target audience: Around 12-20 years old and manage to use computer.
Concept: This is a platform game about saving the world from an evil group. The evil group hide a super weapon in a secret place and plan to use it to destroy the world. The government found the secret place but it is full of dangerous trap, no people can pass through it. So your mission is to find the secret weapon while pass through different trap and destroy it to keep the world peace.
Details Description: The game is a platform game with 2D graphics. Users can control the character to move in up, down, left, right, and jump by using keyboard. In the game, it is having different obstacle/challenges in each level which users need to pass through to complete the level. The users need to survive in limited time or reach certain place while avoid being hit by trap depends on the level.